On this page we have our latest articles with news from the industry as well as relevant news about the company, the team and our products.
The Cosmo bathroom suite is a sleek suite that’s suitable for a wide range of bathrooms. You’re able to decide between two, four and five piece suites, while the Cosmo range is high end and it’s available at an affordable price.
Bathrooms and Radiators have two stylish cast iron radiator options; Heritage and Renaissance. Both of these designs maintain a classical style and they’re available in a range of sizes.
Bi-fold shower enclosures can perform well in the smallest of spaces, and not every bathroom can fit a hinged shower door, meaning the bi-fold option can provide easy, unobstructed access. These doors fit together simply in two parts, while they fold together when the door is opened.
There are plenty of options out there today when it comes to buying a radiator; you can opt for a popular steel panel radiator or a sparkling chrome designer radiator, while there’s also the opportunity to purchase a column radiator boasting a classy style.
Every man wants a stylish and sophisticated man den with gadgets and gizmos a plenty. This article will help every batcher create the dream bathroom for the perfect male abode
Bathroom trends for 2014 seem to revolve around keeping things clean, simple and practical, and floating vanity units are no exception!
Usefuls tips and helpful daily, weekly and seasonal cleaning checklists.
Order the G2 complete full bathroom suite with a bath shower mixer for only an additional £5.00
Big Trade Price Sale! Find huge savings on all products on our website so make sure you take advantage of the great offers while stocks last!
Panel Radiators from £12. With a wide range of panel radiators you can select your ideal radiator for your home!
As we all know, the economic situation is far from great and for many people, finding the funds for home improvements is near impossible...
The G2 bathroom suite is a very affordable complete suite for your ideal bathroom.
We all would love the space to host a free-standing bath and walk in shower, but some of us for whatever reason are dealt with a small bathroom space.
Double Panel Radiators is an ideal solution for your house and your business.
With two sliding doors, the Quadrant Enclosures really do look the part in any bathroom and create a classic shower enclosure.
A well designed bathroom with a complimentary bathroom suite or furniture can add value to your home and not just value in the money sense.
Cast Iron radiators are more efficient and will heat up a room better than a standard compact radiator.
Public Health England and the Manufacturers’ Association of Radiators and Convectors (MARC) are both advising home owners to set different temperatures in various rooms to save energy bills, and our range of products can help you save money this winter.
Designer radiators are becoming more popular in modern households, in a variety of rooms. Previously they were significantly more costly than usual radiators, but today many can be purchased at reasonable prices.
BathroomsandRadiators are waiting to help you transform your bathroom into the bathroom of your dreams.
Every bathroom has its own identity and character. Choosing a bathroom suite that matches your home’s style can be a difficult decision. There are a wide range of bathroom suites valuable, and careful consideration should be made before making any decisions.